tisdag, september 12, 2006

VÄSENPUMPEN (THE WALK) har belönats med följande priser:
Bästa Långfilm
Kritikernas Val
vid Cinefest i Miskolc, Ungern
New Nordic Voices Award
vid Nordic Panorama Film Festival 2007.
info, poster, pics and trailer for VÄSENPUMPEN (THE WALK):
"... brilliant acting by Anders Granström and Lars-Erik Berenett."
Annika Gustafsson, Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten
"Truly impressive"
Gunnar Bergdahl, Helsingborgs Dagblad
"A film without compromises, of a sort you rarely see anymore "
Göteborgs Internationella Film Festival ´07
"...the most informative blog I have ever read about the process of filmmaking."
Fred, Freon Film
Om mig
- Namn: perlenberg
- Plats: Landskrona, Skåne, Sweden
Swedish film director, producer and screenwriter. His two films "The Walk" and "87" has an array of festival prizes and special mentions, and he has a total of about 20 film productions under his belt. Can be reached at csaba@antonbenefilm.se or +46763467667.
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