looking good
Etiketter: csaba bene perlenberg, pcfe film school, prag, prague
regissören CSABA BENE PERLENBERG skriver om | väsenpumpen | the walk | 87 | svensk film | skånsk film | improvisationstrilogin | filmblogg | regi | manusförfattande | filmpoetik .//.
Etiketter: csaba bene perlenberg, pcfe film school, prag, prague
Etiketter: avbön, bekännelse, csaba bene perlenberg, pcfe film school, prag, prague, praha, vittnesmål
Etiketter: avbön, filmproduktion, pcfe film school, prag, prague, praha, vittnesmål
Etiketter: betraktelse, filmproduktion, kortfilm, pcfe film school, prag, prague, praha, vittnesmål
"They try to market these movies to try to get the largest possible audiences, so they start to really devour everything, and just take the guts out."
"They take anything that's uncomfortable out, so consequently some movies aren't made, or it's softened and I think 'What the f**k and why did we soften that, because it was already kind of a sweet movie.' Then they took out the things that really made people squirm."
Etiketter: kevin costner
Etiketter: filmproduktion, pcfe film school, prag, praha, vittnesmål, åskådande
Etiketter: filmproduktion, pcfe film school, prag, prague, praha, åskådande
Etiketter: filmproduktion, improvisation, prag, praha
Etiketter: avbön, besvikelser, betraktelse, csaba bene perlenberg, filmproduktion, pcfe film school, prag, prague, praha
Etiketter: kirk douglas
Etiketter: csaba bene perlenberg, väsenpumpen
Etiketter: dramaturgi, drömmar, filmproduktion, manusförfattande, manusförfattare
Etiketter: avbön, bekännelse, betraktelse, vittnesmål
Etiketter: alpha dog, nick cassavettes, sedd film, sharon stone
the English word 'emotion' holds a double meaning in relation to the art of cinema. on one hand, any form of emotion in an actors performance, a delicate framing, a supporting music que or a well placed cut, creates a resonance in the audience's reaction to its portrayal. but on a much more basic level, the very construct of the actual word 'emotion' signifies its importance to the cinematic elements: 'e' and, more importantly, 'motion'. when we feel, something is, quite evidently, in motion within ourselves. when an individual experiences an emotion, there is a factual transference between one sort of state of mind, to another: a form of flux. this, in turn, creates yet another movement, which is the consequence of the first one.
all movements echo and breed new patterns of movement. and, hopefully, a well deserved emotion, as well.
Etiketter: dramaturgi, drömmar, Filmkonst, prag, prague, praha